Peacock for sale – Are you looking peacock for sale? I’m so sure that nobody can deny the beauty of this bird. Nowadays, peacock is a kind of fowl that is hunted mostly by its fans. The most incredible attraction lies in the tail feathers which can be spread and look super beautiful. No wonder if people call peacock as one of the most beautiful bird in the world.
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Are Peacocks A Good Pet?
Peacock (actually peafowl) is the members of the pheasant family, and the national bird of India. The term ‘peacock’ is usually to mention the male bird of peafowl, while ‘peahen’ is for the female bird.
The natural habitat of peafowl is woodland and forest even though they can adapt well to the different environments in the wild. Due to their nature, this birds are not really suitable to be kept as house pets in residential area. They are ideally suited to Country Houses, or rural areas with no close neighbors. Besides, they can be noisy as they have a very loud high-pitched meow like call. And then they will usually call a lot during the mating season to attract the female peacock.
However, are peacock a good pet? You must know that this bird is a kind of noisy species. Nevertheless, apart from its noise, peacock is a good pet. The way to take care them is not much different with chickens. In the tropical climate like Indonesia, they can adapt easily. But do you know that there is one type of peafowl that you cannot keep at home?
What Are The Types Of Peafowl?
1. First, Indian Peacock also known as Blue peacock which is native to India, Sri Lanka and other part of East Asia.
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The Indian peacock has really beautiful iridescent blue-green feathers. They have bright, chest, neck, and head, with green and gold feathers that appear to change the colors depending on how light hits them A blue peacock has bright colored beautiful tail feathers.
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Peacock Colors : The God’s Creation That Is So Charming That Makes You Definitely Blown Away!
2. Second, Green Peacock also known as Javanese peacpck that is native to Indonesia Island of Java in Southeast Asia.
Green peacock
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The Green peacock’s head and crests are deep green color, making it distinguishable from Bluepeacocks which has blue color on that parts. They also have iridescent metallic green color feathers with scaly appearance on its neck, breast, and mantle.
3. The last, Congo Peacock which is native to Africa.
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This bird is the smallest between the Blue and Green peacocks. Besides, they also don’t have impressive tail feathers. They are mainly blue and green with a short rounded tail.
From those 3 species, Green peacock is classified as an endangered species whose population declined significantly because of over hunting and the destruction of the large parts of its natural habitat. This is why the government doesn’t allow people to keep this bird as house pet. The Indonesia government only allow to keep the two other species, Blue peacock and Congo peacock.
Peacock For Sale
If peafowl is classified based on the colors, there are many types of peacock colors. Some types are the original color types and some are the result of crosses and because of gene mutations. The example of the crosses result and added with gene mutation is a type of cameo peacock.
Cameo peacock
And here are various types of peacock colors which are currently quite popular both in Indonesia and around the world:
-Blue peacock
-Green peacock
–White peacock
-Cameo peacock
-Bronze peacock
-Pied peacock
-Blue black shoulder peacock
But no matter what kind of peafowl they are, this species are still rare. This is why you should prepare ‘extra’ for peacock for sale.
Where Can I Find A Peacock?
In addition to be known as most beautiful bird in the world, people also know that peacock is one of the rarest species in the world. Due to the over hunting in the wild, the existence of this species is becoming decrease. So, where you can find a peacock?
There are some ornamental fowl breeders who provide peacock for sale. Not only the birds, they also have peacock eggs for sale. Even though this bird is classified into one of the most expensive and rarest fowl in the world, it doesn’t stop ornamental animal lovers to find this pretty amazing birds.
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For those who are interested in keeping or cultivating peafowl, we provide peacock for sale. There are several types of peafowl with different prices.
In accordance with the Indonesian regulation, we have peacock for sale which are not included in the protected category because they are not Indonesian local endemic peacock. Therefore, it is legally for both breeding and selling. The following is the price list of peacock for sale that we offer:
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Pied Peahen = Rp33.000.000/bird
Pied Peahen age 7-8 months = Rp22.000.000/pair
Blue Peacock age 5-6 months = Rp20.000.000/pair
Blue Peacock age 1,5 years = Rp25.000.000/bird
Blue Peafowl age 1,5 years = Rp30.000.000/pair
Adult Blue Peafowl = Rp35.000.000/pair
Blue Peacock Black Shouldered age 6-7 months = Rp22.000.000/pair
Cameo peafowl age 9-10 months = Rp30.000.000/pair
Cameo Peafowl age 1,5 years = Rp65.000.000/pair
Cameo Peafowl age 1,5 years = Rp75.000.000/3 birds
White Peacock age 1,5 years = Rp40.000.000/pair
Adult White Peacock = Rp45.000.000/pair
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– Peacock = male peafowl
– Peahen = female peafowl
– A pair peafowl = 1 peacock and 1 peahen
In addition, the price listed above can change according to the stock availability and the price fluctuations in the market. Always remember that the price of peafowl in one area to another area can also be different. For example peacock for sale in Indonesia is different with peacock for sale in india, etc.
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