Pied Guinea Fowl : The Pied Guinea Fowl Description, Diet, Coop, and Breeding Information

Pied guinea fowl – If you are looking for a unique species of guinea fowl, the pied guinea fowl can be an option. The pied color occurs due to various mixed colors. So, it means that they are not pure breeds. Nevertheless, the pied color becomes one special magnetism that people are looking for, may be it’s you!

Pied Guinea Fowl
Pied Guinea Fowl

What is pied guinea fowl?

Guinea fowl are bird species within the order of Galliformes. It also includes birds as turkey, chickens, quail, pheasant, and few others. This bird is native to Africa, but nowadays have been spread throughout some countries in the world.

There are some pure breeds of guinea fowl such as vulturine guinea fowl, crested guinea fowl, etc. Besides the pure breeds, there are also some species that comes from crossbreed. One of them is pied guinea fowl.

The pied guinea fowl have white in chest, wings, and sometimes back area. The color combination can be of various mixed colors. (See more about guinea fowl colors ) Some in purple, pearl, chocolate, buff and other colors all with white on them.

The pied guinea fowl has beautul feathers and unique appearance. Many people already breed this bird and make it as ornamental chicken at their home. Even though the guinea fowl meat are actually edible, people more prefer to keep this bird as house pet They are also not only used as house pet, but also pests control.

As we know that guinea fowl produce sounds which can prevent your homestead from bugs, pests, even predators. The guinea fowl sounds are quite noisy but this is what really help you protect your garden or farm. This is also what pied guinea fowl can do for you.

Pied guinea fowl can be kept as house pet. Besides, they also have ability as exterminators that will help your garden safe.

What pied guinea fowl eats?

Maintaining pied guinea fowl is quite easy. So is the pied guinea fowl. Do you know why? Because they are omnivorous that eats all of kinds. For example grass, insects, worms, bugs, fruits, berries, etc.

Moreover, you can also provide other food such as concentrates, BR, rice bran, or various mix of vegetables that has been cut into pieces. Those food are easily to get in stores, especially in the animal feed shop in your area. Besides,the price is also affordable so that it will not drain your pocket.

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How to prepare the guinea fowl coop?

If you do love your guineas, you will need a guinea fowl coop. Though they prefer to be free ranged and untamed, and will perch on the trees on property, you still need to provide a coop if you don’t want to lose some of them.

A coop is the most important place for animals, especially flocks as shelter. It protect your flocks from predators, heat, and rain. Similar with pied guinea fowl, they also need a coop. You can provide a coop with large 1 meter x 2 meters for a pair of adult guineas. (Read more about guinea fowl male and female).

In addition, it must be equpped with a perch so that they can roost there when sleeping. It will help them get the convenient in the coop rather than roost in the tree. In the contrary, it is better to free range your guineas, but remember to make a fence around so that your birds will not go far.

This is also the important thing : always clean the coop! Yes, it’s is very necessary to do so that your birds will not be susceptible to disease. According to some breeders, pied guinea fowl is rarely attacked by disease. This is only the anticipation of the undesirable things.

Pied guinea fowl breeding

Guinea fowl is also known for being ‘seasonal’ layers. They lay eggs which are little bit smaller than the average chicken eggs, but guinea fowl eggs are very hard shelled. In one season, this bird can lay one egg each day until the hen has a clutch of 20 – 30 eggs. The hen likes to hide their nest and sometimes also share the nest with other hens. The incubation period is about 26 – 28 days.

The bad news is the guinea hens cannot be said as good mothers.  Once the chicks (usually called keets) hatch, they are pretty much on their own. The hens may lead them out into tall grass then just ignore them. This is why if you want t take care more for the keets, you also ned to provide special place for them to keep them save.

Therefore, the hatched pied guinea chicken should be placed in a warm box. In a box contains about 40 – 50 newly hatched keets. Then, after 3 weeks of age, they can be moved into the enlargement coop.

Beautiful, helpful, and cheerful are what pied guinea fowl means for their lovers. Not only being kept as house pet, they are also great to protect your home area.

What are the benefits of keeping pied guinea fowl?

Here are some benefits of keeping guinea fowl :

  • First, they are very great ticks, pests, and bugs control.
  • Second, they can keep snakes at bay (Read also: guinea fowl and snakes)
  • Third, their noise and call can keep the predators away during the day.
  • Fourth, they are easy to maintain.
  • Fifth, they are easier on the garden than chickens and also provide great pest control.
  • Sixth, They are easy to proliferate
  • And the last, they are so oddly – cute!

So, what kind of guinea fowl do you choose?

There are actually various types of guinea fowl. If you are going to keep guinea fowl in your backyard, make sure which type that you choose and suits to your needs first.

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pearl guinea fowl, royal purple guinea fowl, guinea fowl eggs, guinea fowl meat, white guinea fowl, guinea fowl coop, keeping guinea fowl with chickens, guinea fowl color genetics

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